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The mission of our Pestalozzi school camps is to help children develop their potential, acquire new skills, and gain self-confidence. To fulfil our mission, we apply innovative teaching methods in a nurturing environment staffed by charismatic professionals and leaders in the worlds of science and culture.




April 2024

Die Schulcamps in der «Schweizer Familie»

Die Pestalozzi Schulcamps haben in der April-Ausgabe 15/2024 der «Schweizer Familie» einen grossen Auftritt erhalten. Wir freuen uns. Herzlichen Dank an die engagierte Reporterin Esther Banz für die schöne und umfangreiche Reportage! Und grossen Dank, einmal mehr, auch an das gesamte Team und an alle Gastdozent:innen und Gönner:innen, die die Camps möglich machen.

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Februar 2024

Neues Thema bei den Camps: Klimawandel

Wir sind in den allerletzten Vorbereitungen für die anstehende Campphase, die im März beginnt. Neben unseren bewährten Wissenschaftsthemen Robotik und Zellbiologie haben wir neu auch das Thema Klimawandel in unser Programm aufgenommen. Der weltweit renommierte Forscher Prof. Thomas Stocker von der Universität Bern und sein Teammitglied Dr. Aurich Jeltsch-Thömmes werden eine Campwoche im Mai mit diesem hochaktuellen Thema gestalten. Wir freuen uns sehr.


Januar 2024

Nachfolgeprogramm 2024 bei Novartis 

Am 31. Januar 2024 ist das Nachfolgeprogramm Naturwissenschaft «Schullabor Novartis» gestartet. Neu ist das Schullabor auf dem Hauptcampus untergebracht und die bewährte Leitung von Dr. Anja Krättli garantiert wiederum eine hohe Qualität der Wissensvermittlung. 
Aufgrund der sagenhaften Zusagequote von fast 100 % haben wir die Schüler und Schülerinnen in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt (im Bild die erste der beiden Gruppen). Und: Wir haben eine erfreuliche Mädchenquote von 80 %! 


Innovative approaches that engage the heart, the mind, and the body

We open new pathways to knowledge and support underprivileged children. Since August 2019, the Pestalozzi School Camps Foundation has enabled new forms of teaching and learning that have received very favourable reviews – from both experts and students.



Rediscovering science and culture 

Our curriculum complements standard school subjects with hands-on journeys into the worlds of science, cutting-edge technology, classical art, and culture. Our real-world scientists and artists introduce our young learners to the fascinating aspects of these worlds.

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By supporting our school camps, you can give children the gift of new educational opportunities.


Capturing the imagination and discovering talent 

Capturing the imagination of children is essential to their learning success. This applies especially to underprivileged children. That’s why our Pestalozzi school camps and follow-up programmes make use of inspirational methods and innovative forms of conveying knowledge.

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Pestalozzi school camps

The children who attend Pestalozzi school camps enjoy the nurturing and picturesque environment of the Pestalozzi Children’s Village, while also benefiting from new approaches to education.

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Our follow-up programmes

Children often possess hidden talents. This is especially true in the case of underprivileged children. To protect and reinforce these talents, we offer our students special follow-up programmes.


Learning with the best 

When our engaging professional dancers, distinguished scientists, and renowned experts in robotics step in front of the class, they’re met with a kind of contagious curiosity. That’s because they’re not only famous. They also know how to engender and amplify curiosity. 



Barbara Solenthaler is the director of a simulation-and-animation research group at ETH Zurich. The research group’s aim is to develop AI-based technologies to transform and streamline workflows in the area of visual effects and sophisticated medical devices.



Marcel Tanner helped to make the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute what it is today: an outstanding international institute for tropical medicine and infectious disease. Tanner is especially renowned for his research in the field of epidemiology.



Silvia Arber is a professor of neurobiology at the University of Basel’s Center for Molecular Life Sciences, as well as the director of a research group at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research. Arber is one of the world’s leading researchers in her field.

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